Knocking on Doors…
Written by
Robert C. Winter III

We have often written about the “summer swarms of door-step solicitors” and that season is now again! Yet, to be fair, not all who sell door-to-door are evil purveyors of unscrupulous practices. In fact, door-to-door salesmen have been around longer than we have and the practice is not wrong or unethical in itself. However, a few bad apples spoil the barrel and the latest generation of seasonal security system salesmen have misrepresented themselves and lied about their products and services—even claiming to be the “same company” the resident already has as alarm service provider. By that, they mean the equipment is made by the same manufacturer but not backed, serviced, nor monitored by the same company. Negative exposure on television news shows “20/20” and “Dateline” has caught unscrupulous door-knockers on camera in “blatant lies”. This has led to the notion that they are “ethically challenged.” Any relationship that starts with a lie or an empty promise is unethical. If we are to be trusted working inside your home, then we must be honest and earn your trust. Alert-Tech has earned its reputation by persistence, hard work, and the desire to do the right thing. Alas, many have turned to the dark side and blurred the distinction between misrepresenting and telling a “white lie”. The issue is a vexing one for the alarm industry, whose very mission is to protect its customers from the unscrupulous!